I have good news for everybody who is hoping to win the great IntSam Global 5K that begins today and can be run by anybody anywhere in the world between now and November 1: yours truly, the number one-seeded runner in my estimation, has humbly withdrawn from the 5K run this year.
The bad news is that this completely changes the rankings for the one-mile walkers. I will be walking the mile with Fr. Frank Canfield, S.J. next week. The fact that he’s 84 and I’m recovering from a slight injury doesn’t bother us one bit. We are two bad dudes intent on winning this thing. Well, maybe not winning first place accolades, but at least we are still two bad dudes, depending on one’s definition of both “bad” and “dude.”
In any event, I want to encourage you to keep running your race, even if it’s just walking the mile instead of running the 5K. It’s not too late to sign up. And it’s definitely not too late to join or support our team or any other team’s efforts to raise money for tablets for our scholarship students forced to attend school from home without the technology to do so.
You can help them stay in school and dramatically alter the course of their lives with this gift.
Thank you for helping us win this thing–together.
Sharing Our Stories
By Mike Tenbusch | September 23, 2022 What a joy it was to be a part of Ronia Romero’s barnstorming tour across the United States this past week! Ronia leads our mission in Tegucigalpa and has personally led the charge for bringing water to her community there. Over...
A Tale of Three Men
By Mike Tenbusch | September 9, 2022 Roberto Contreras grew up in a small neighborhood near San Pedro Sula, Honduras. The El Ocotillo dump reached the edge of their town and after school some of the kids would go there to pick through the mountains of garbage and see...
IntSam Scholars Take a Stand
By Mike Tenbusch | July 1, 2022 As we come together with family and friends this weekend to celebrate the courage that our founders had in 1776, our children may also want to give thanks for the wisdom of the leaders who passed laws in 1938 forbidding child labor in...