Greetings. I am Zoe. I am 10 years old and am a fourth grader in [REDACTED] Primary School. I live with 7 of my family members. Our house is always full of laughter and happiness. To an outsider, it would seem like we have everything in the world. I don’t think even the richest of people have the joy we have. We have what most households don’t have, which is love and unity. Everyone is concerned about everyone in our home. I feel blessed and loved to be part of my family.

My mother is the breadwinner in our family. She works in the nearby garbage dump, Kore, collecting recyclable materials to later sell. She can’t work elsewhere because she is a leper. I have offered to help her after school multiple times, but she says no every time, saying that it’s no place for children. But neither is it a place for adults. The tragedies of Kore are endless and I have heard so many scary stories about it. I worry that my mother will get sick or injured working there.

One of my chores at home is getting water from the common water source which is always so crowded. I often wait for hours and hours to get water, and that is if I somehow make it before the closing time. I then have to carry back a big container filled with water back home. I often have to make many stops as my hands get sore and I get out of breath. I really wish we had our own tap in our compound. That would be a dream come true.

I like Science and Mathematics subjects very much. When I grow up, I want to become a doctor. I would like to work on disease prevention, not just treatment, so I can help lepers like my mother and prevent more people from getting leprosy. I want to make a big difference in my country in the health arena. I am able to learn and am on the path of achieving my dreams because of the opportunities International Samaritan has given me, and for that, I would like to say thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Avoiding the Gangs

Six months ago, the family of two of our Samaritan Scholars here in Guatemala City (a brother and a sister) were victims of gang violence. The family received threats not to return to their home unless the son, 13-year-old Samuel,* joined the gang. Samuel wants a...

Why We Do What We Do

Wondemeneh’s journey is nothing short of inspiring. For the past nine years, he has been a shining star in our scholarship program here in Ethiopia.  Wondemeneh’s story began when he was just six months old. He suffered a fall that led to serious health issues. For...

Running to Rebuild

We organized a 5K run as our first large event last year, and there was an awesome turnout! This event raised resources for our community that saved lives. We will be running again this year. But we are running even faster and with more purpose than before. A few...