Poverty Crushers

Four years ago, I made “a big ask” of a successful business owner and well-respected Catholic philanthropist I had only recently met. A big ask for us is finding people willing to sponsor ten of our scholars at $3,000 each–or $30,000. Before answering my request, she...

You’re Not Alone

You’re not alone. For our scholars breaking the cycle of poverty, you’ve found students across the globe who are equally determined to get an education. For our team members supporting our communities, you’ve found resources and friends in each...

See the Change

Never in my life have I seen such profound change in such a short time as the transformation that has taken place in the Dandora (Kenya) and Kiteezi (Uganda) communities since our teams began awarding scholarships there just over a year ago. In Uganda, the mothers who...

That Was Me

I used to work at the city garbage dump in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Starting at the age of six, I would accompany my mother to the garbage dump, where I helped her look for clothes or food that came from the garbage trucks. We’d go, even in heavy rains and hot...

Try to Imagine

Imagine living in a one-room house with your siblings and parents. You are HIV positive along with your father and stepmother. Your parents struggle to provide for your family’s basic needs as neither one has a stable source of income.  Your parents don’t seem to be...