Six months ago, the family of two of our Samaritan Scholars here in Guatemala City (a brother and a sister) were victims of gang violence. The family received threats not to return to their home unless the son, 13-year-old Samuel,* joined the gang.
Samuel wants a different future. He plans to study to become an accountant. He didn’t join, so the gang burned down his home, along with 19 other houses in the area. The families preferred to flee the area instead of having their children join the gang. The gang has now taken over the charred remains of Samuel’s home for a drug-selling and extortion point.

The home Samuel and his family lived in was destroyed by fire since he didn’t join the local gang.
While the family is safe, it’s been difficult for the family of five to live in a small rented space. Samuel’s father has health issues, and his mother works as a street vendor. Samuel wants justice for his family and has taken it upon himself to help financially. His grades have been affected due to his inability to focus as he constantly searches for work or other means to help support his family.
This story will sound familiar to far too many children and young adults in Guatemala. Unfortunately, violence, theft, and extortion have escalated in our communities here. Rights of the people, such as freedom of movement, security, physical integrity, and the right to housing, are being suppressed.
Many young people will join a gang simply because they feel they have no other option. We want to prevent that. We want to give them options.
This is why I’m running in the Samaritan 5K, and we could really use your help too. Will you support our team and support our community by helping us raise $33,000? The funds will be used to help our Samaritan Scholars and their families with urgent needs such as food, emergency financial assistance, medical care, and housing support. With funds to cover those critical needs, our Samaritan Scholars can focus on getting an education and breaking out of poverty.
*Samuel’s real name is not being published to protect his privacy.

Many of our Samaritan Scholars in Guatemala, along with local team members and volunteers from Ann Arbor’s St. Mary Student Parish.
International Samaritan is a Christ-centered organization built on Catholic Social Teaching. Our mission is to walk hand-in-hand with people who live and work in the garbage dumps of developing nations to help them break out of poverty.
We provide holistic scholarships for students from kindergarten through college, and we’re currently supporting 950 scholars in Central America, the Caribbean, and East Africa.
Would your church or school group like to partner and travel with us? Learn about our Learn, Serve, Grow program.
Empower our scholars to change their lives. Become a monthly supporter.

Yolanda Chacaj, Program Director
Yoli is the first former Samaritan Scholar to lead one of our country teams. She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computing with a Business concentration and then obtained a Master’s of Social Work. Outside of work, Yoli lives in Guatemala City with her family. She enjoys spending time with her family and says they are her main motivation for everything she does.
Ready to Race?
We hope you pull out your tennis shoes and run or walk with us in this year’s Samaritan 5K!
October 12 / 10 a.m. / Ann Arbor
Races will be held in Ann Arbor, Detroit, and simultaneously with our Samaritan Scholars in Central America, Jamaica, and East Africa.
This year, you can select a country to run with. You’ll learn more about that community and the funds you donate and raise will go to their specific health and wellness needs. Each country is raising money for a project close to their heart. You can choose to run and support:
Team Ethiopia: Medical Care ($28,000)
Team Guatemala: Urgent Needs ($33,000)
Team Honduras: Food Support ($28,000)
Team Jamaica: Food Support ($21,000)
Team Kenya: Mental Health Resources ($20,000)
Team Uganda: Rebuilding after Kiteezi Landslide ($20,000)
Register to run or donate to a team: intsam.org/samaritan5K.
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