By Mike Tenbusch | July 1, 2022
As we come together with family and friends this weekend to celebrate the courage that our founders had in 1776, our children may also want to give thanks for the wisdom of the leaders who passed laws in 1938 forbidding child labor in the United States.
Our scholars born in developing nations are not so fortunate. By the age of 5, many of them were expected to help their family collect cardboard and plastic amidst the perils and predators in sprawling garbage dumps. Even after getting scholarships from International Samaritan, along with the food support we provide for their families, some of our scholars are still forced to return to the dumps when the storms of poverty wreak havoc on their family’s razor thin budgets.
That is why our scholars across Honduras marched recently to take a stand against child labor. In the pictures below, you can see one of the long-term goals of our scholarship program coming to life—a network of leaders with the skills and capacity to change the conditions in their community and the world.

Our scholars starting the march in Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

“A child who works loses more than he earns.”

Our scholars leading the way in San Pedro Sula, Honduras.

These scholars have the means to march because of Samaritans like you who support their scholarships and provide food for their families.
If you’d like to join their march, please consider running with them in the great IntSam Global 5K, which you can do from anywhere in the world. They need you on their team!
The Power of a Good Book and Good Friends
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On Basketball, Friendships and Life
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