Make a Change Where it Matters Most in the World

Be a Samaritan. Help families break out of poverty.

100% of all donations made to International Samaritan go to those we serve around the world.

The Samaritan Promise: Because of the generosity and planning of our supporters and leaders, all of our overhead, administrative, and outreach costs are covered. We guarantee that every dollar donated to International Samaritan goes directly to serving those in need.


To support all of International Samaritan’s programs, including scholarships, health & wellness initiatives, capital investments, clean water solutions, and more.

Donating from outside of the USA? Donate using the button below.

Designate Your Funding

Holistic Scholarships

The main way we break the chains of poverty is through holistic scholarships, which cost about $3,000 per scholar per year on average. A holistic scholarship covers all of the following:

We know that these scholarships are worth the investment because of the incredible graduates that come out of our program. Our scholars also have, on average: higher country-wide exam scores than their peers (and significantly higher than their peers in their communities), higher employment rates than their peers, and more than triple the wealth of their parents.

Keep the Scholarship Program Going

Your donation will go towards supporting 950 students around the world, ranging from elementary age through university.

Pledge to Support a Scholar

Commit to supporting a scholar through their education. Your support can break them out of poverty.

Safe Water & Safe Spaces

In communities that struggle with sanitation and violent neighborhoods, we prioritize bringing clean water and a safe meeting place to each community. We’ve seen these two things transform communities, improve the overall standard of living, and bring communities closer together in ways we’d never imagined.

Bring Clean Water to Every Home

Our communities categorically lack clean water when we arrive, which impacts everything from sanitation, to food safety, to dental health, and even school attendance. Bring the pivotal gift of clean water.

Help Build a Family Life Center

From supporting clubs and sports to giving kids a safe place to study, the Weingartz Family Life Center has already changed hundreds of lives in Ethiopia. Help us bring centers like this to our other communities.

donate to the asdrubal barroso medical scholarship

or create your own legacy gift.

To help meet the needs of children growing up in developing nations, International Samaritan is pleased to partner with the Catholic Foundation of Michigan to provide opportunities for people to honor a loved one and to make a difference that will last forever.

Learn about and contribute to our existing legacy gifts by clicking right. You can also create your own legacy gift using the link to the right or through the form below.

More about Legacy Gifts


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Do you know all the different ways that you can give?

Make a standard donation

Set up a recurring donation

Donate stock from your portfolio

Contribute 1% of your estate in your will

Set up a Legacy Gift

Ask your employer to match your gift

Interested in making a donation or learning more?

Contact Tucker, our Director of Engagement, using the form below.