Mapping Your Life by Sonja Robinson

I see our organization as a beacon of light, a force for good. The Samaritan Scholars and team members I work with are a testament to the boundless power of faith, hope, and love to transform lives and uplift communities.


At the heart of International Samaritan beats a rhythm of faith—a steadfast belief in the inherent goodness of humanity and the potential for positive change. This faith is mirrored in your unwavering support. It is reflected in the tireless dedication of the international team who selflessly give of themselves. Their faith is a beacon of hope, guiding them as they work tirelessly to uplift the lives of others. 

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Monique Brisco (left), our project assistant, with Samaritan Scholars at a recent awards banquet.

Monique is our project assistant and is the heart of our team here in Jamaica. She inspires not only us but the scholars and the wider community. Monique has lived in the Riverton community, next to the city garbage dump, all her life. She is raising her children in the community. Why? Because she has faith that better will come and has come. She lives and breathes the mission of International Samaritan, which is to walk hand in hand with people in communities near garbage dumps to break the chains of poverty and improve all our lives. Her faith guides her and the work she does.


Hope, too, is a cornerstone of the International Samaritan mission. It is seen in the eyes of the scholars—bright with promise and determination—and in the hearts of their families, who rise each day with renewed optimism and resilience. Despite the challenges they face, they dare to dream of a better tomorrow, buoyed by the knowledge that they are not alone. For within the embrace of International Samaritan, they find a community of supporters who believe in their potential and are committed to helping them achieve their goals.

Uganda scholars

Malayia at the 2024 Carifta Games where she won two gold medals!

Malayia’s dream is to pursue a career in track and field. This 14-year-old student hopes for a brighter today and tomorrow for herself, her family, and community. But not only does she have hope for a brighter future, she gives hope to the community and younger scholars who see her as a role model full of possibilities for the future.


But perhaps most of all, International Samaritan is a testament to the transformative power of love. Love plays an important part in the work we do. We love the scholars unconditionally. For some of them, the love we share is the only love that is shown to them. They actively seek us out for hugs and words of affirmation.

It is a love that knows no boundaries, reaching across continents and cultures to touch the lives of those in need. This love is evident in every word spoken and every deed done on behalf of the scholars—in the hugs shared and the words of affirmation offered freely. It is a love that transcends language and circumstance, binding together individuals from all walks of life in a common bond of compassion and solidarity.

We want our scholars to know that they are loved. That we believe in them. That we have faith and hope in them and what they can accomplish. But most importantly we love them as they are, unconditionally, while we help them become the best versions of themselves.

Uganda scholars

(Left) Shontoya at a recent awards ceremony. (Right) Kylah and Zoe, University of Toledo Honors students, visit with Shontoya on a recent service trip to Jamaica.

Our scholar Shontoya is a final-year nursing student who epitomizes love. She is fearless, ambitious, and a true extrovert. She shows love by embracing everyone, making them feel at ease and welcomed. I have seen her draw our quietest scholars and visitors out of their shells.

In the end, International Samaritan is more than just an organization: It is a living embodiment of faith, hope, and love in action. It is a testament to the belief that by working together, we can create a world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive, regardless of their circumstances. And as long as there are those willing to extend a hand in friendship and support, there will always be hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Sonja M. Robinson, Program Director

Sonja holds a Ph.D. in Workforce Development and Education from Pennsylvania State University and a Master’s in Communication for Social and Behavior Change from the University of the West Indies. She has played the roles of counselor, mentor, trainer, and educator. Sonja believes in living a life of purpose and service.

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