I consider it a privilege to work for an organization whose mission is to help change lives. Still, there are days I feel very sad when I see children, young people, and especially older adults working in the garbage dumps in my city of Tegucigalpa. It makes me pensive when there are families that really have a hard time.
Today, for example, is a gray day for me due to the heavy rains that have plagued our country this week. Because of these rains, three families from our scholarship program had to stay at the school in the Campo Cielo neighborhood. These families had to leave their homes alone and afraid that the rain will totally destroy their homes. Today, one of them called me for help because they have no food to eat.

Forced out of her home, Elizabeth, prepares food in Campo Cielo for her family.
As leaders of this mission, we have a big responsibility because we are the first people our families turn to when issues arise. It is our job to find solutions to their challenges. There are days when I feel that emotionally I cannot do this. On these days, God gives me strength. I must be strong for our families; I must be encouraging even when their situations break my heart, even when I have to hold back the tears since I am a sensitive person. I can’t be a crybaby. I don’t cry so that they can see my strength because they see in each of us the support that God has sent.
And this is where I say, “Thank You, God, because even when I feel sad about the situation of these families, You give us the power to help them. You put people in other countries who, even without knowing the scholarship recipients and their families, help to improve their condition.”
We are Samaritans together.

The house of one of our scholars in Nicaragua blew down from the winds on June 5 with his grandmother, him and four siblings inside.

Ronia Romero, Honduras Program Director
Ronia serves as International Samaritan’s Program Director in Tegucigalpa, Honduras and has a degree in Foreign Languages with an orientation in English from Universidad Autonoma of Honduras. For many years she has dedicated herself to expand opportunities for children, adolescents, and adults who work in the Tegucigalpa municipal dump.
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