What I love about our work at International Samaritan is how often I see and feel the presence of God in what we do.
Recently, I had the unique privilege of sitting in on the conversations that our scholarship students in Guatemala were having with a woman who has been generously supporting our mission in Guatemala for the entire 25 years since our inception. The investments of this woman and her family have enabled hundreds of young people to escape a life working in the dumps by learning a trade or getting a degree. She has visited them in Guatemala every year, remembers them by name and knows their stories. Watching their conversations, I felt like I was on the set of The Avengers, each of these young people a superhero in their own battle to overcome the worst of poverty, and she was a genteel Nick Fury in the background, helping them find their power. They knew what she has done for them though, and their bonds of gratitude to her were as strong as her bonds of love were for them.
One of the final scholars to speak was Rudy, who is taking classes to become a mechanic while also earning his high school equivalency degree. This, after years of working in the dumps. When he walked in the room, he grabbed a guitar from the corner, sat down, and asked if he could sing a song. Without pausing, he started to play and sing in Spanish, “This is Amazing Grace”, as the only way he knew to express his gratitude for the support he has received.
Rudy, his benefactors and I live thousands of miles apart. We speak different languages. We face very different realities each day. But we are one in the body of Christ, and to be in the room that day was to feel the presence of God. The gifts you have shared with International Samaritan made moments like this happen for 355 young people on scholarships last year, and I’m confident there are moments in your work, school or life where you see this too. If you have a moment, please write me and share your experience. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Rudy pictured left with Angelica Cancinos, singing “This is Amazing Grace”.
Lester’s Words
By Mike Tenbusch | November 04, 2022 Yesterday, I ran my third IntSam Global 5K in as many weeks. This time it was with our scholars in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, along with a powerful team of new friends from Grace Community Church in Detroit. While recovering after...
Samaritans for Life
By Mike Tenbusch | October 21, 2022 When we lined up to run the Great IntSam 5K in San Pedro Sula last week, I knew I could take at least half of the 40 or so kids lined up around me. Sure, it felt like 110 degrees, but they had to run in the same heat too. I had...
Going for It!
By Mike Tenbusch | October 07, 2022 When she was a young girl, Yessenia was forced by the conditions surrounding her to work in the garbage dump in El Ocotillo, outside San Pedro Sula, Honduras, to pull out as much plastic and cardboard as she could from the teeming...