By Mike Tenbusch | September 29, 2020

For over 12 years now, Angelica Cancinos has been the conscience of our work through her leadership of our Paso a Paso scholarship program in Guatemala. I met with her in Guatemala before taking this position, and the power of her faith in action confirmed for me that this is the mission I want to wake up and serve every day. Like thousands of students from the United States who have traveled with us to work in Guatemala, I was inspired and challenged by Angelica’s conviction that Christ calls us to do more and be more.
When we launched the IntSam Global 5K to raise money for tablets for our scholarship students, it shouldn’t have surprised me at all that Angelica would throw herself into running it, despite not having run in years. She walks the walk, and she is going to run this race.
Angelica is running because she believes we should allow ourselves to be stretched.
In the past few weeks, over 300 people across the world have committed to run this race with her, including teams of students from every one of our scholarship nations.
Will you please support one of their teams financially? Quite honestly, they could use a financial boost. Of course, we’d love for you to run with us too. You can do either by clicking here.
Please keep in mind that 100% of all donations made will go directly toward purchasing tablets for 465 students in developing nations to be able to stay in school and learn remotely from home including 64 young people in technical school in Guatemala whom Angelica has been mentoring and challenging to do more and be more for years. Please help her run this race.
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