Just over a month ago, we asked you and 2,900 other people like you in the International Samaritan community across the world to give money during a time of economic uncertainty. The dual threat of COVID-19 and of starvation hovered over 621 families of our scholarship students who were being asked to shelter in place. We needed to raise $62,100 to cover their food, water and sanitation supplies costs for a month—a huge stretch goal for sure.
And, wow, did you come through!
More than 240 people have given $73,325 so far to completely cover these families through all of April and well into the month of May. Your love means so much. It has given peace and sustenance to people in perilous places. Nobody wants to work in the dump right now, and nobody wants to let them for fear of what germs they may catch and spread. You are helping them through this.
Thank you for reminding us all that we will get through this together. I hope you enjoy this video of the impact you made possible.
From Raw Eggs to Fresh Eggs
By Mike Tenbusch | October 29, 2021 Has a movie ever changed your life? True confession #1: At the age of seven, the day after I saw Rocky for the first time, I woke up at 6:00 in the morning, drank raw eggs, and then went for a two mile run. I had a dream of...
Let’s Stand with Gen Z… for Life.
By Mike Tenbusch | September 24, 2021 I have the utmost respect for my three children, and for all their peers in Generation Z, for having to develop their own “personal brand” as teenagers growing up under today’s relentless, unforgiving glare of social media. Social...
How to Face Failure and Win
By Mike Tenbusch | August 31, 2021 Many people are joining the great IntSam 5K to get people the food they need to survive this global fight against the pandemic. Others are running because it’s a fun way to get in shape with friends and family. Not me. I’m...